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Draft Commercial Policy

It is the policy of the Chebucto Community Net Society operating the Chebucto Community Net to encourage the growth and success of local small businesses by allowing use of Chebucto Community Net accounts for limited advertising for those businesses and for related commercial purposes.

CCN promotes business use by allowing members to:

  1. Create and maintain web pages in file directories that promote the particular account holder's local small business;
  2. Advertise their business in appropriate newsgroups in an appropriate manner;
  3. Send commercial email in response to a request for such email;
  4. Maintain a mailing list related to their business, if each request for subscription to that mailing list is documented and can be substantiated upon request by CCN;
  5. Create and use a web site advertising their business as long as the web site contains the phrase "Chebucto Community Net";

CCN has these restrictions on commercial use:
  1. All commercial use must be related to a business that operates in or is registered in Nova Scotia.
  2. CCN may not be used for illegal commercial activity.
  3. CCN may not be used to advertise sexual material.
  4. Commercial use must be conducted in a manner that complies with the spirit and purpose of the Chebucto Community Net Society. CCN reserves the right to instruct users to modify, alter, or cease any activities which it deems unacceptable.
  5. Users shall abide by CCN policies at all times and shall amend their files as policies may change from time to time as directed by the Board of Directors or the Policy on Information Committee.

General notes

This policy is intended to help local small business take advantage of the opportunities the internet has to offer. We encourage you to take advantage of it. We want to participate in the stimulation of the local economy and allow our creative business and professional community to use our facilities in harmony with those who use CCN for non business purposes. In return we ask you to please view the CCN as a local volunteer resource that exerts a considerable effort to enable small business and professionals to make themselves known to the internet community at large, and not to view us just as "cheap web space". We are not trying to compete with commercial internet service providers.